Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy New Year's Message from the Chief

Goodbye 2005!

A combination of a busy schedule and end of the year sentimentality have prevented me from writing an entry for some weeks. I am blessed to have finished the year with a generous bonus from my employer that will go a long way towards meeting the financial needs of our family. I am grateful for this.

Ambient DJ Service had a record year as well. A lot of parties, with many of them good. Profitable also. The crazy Albanians pushing me to the brink, a drunken punchup in Clifton, the dance set following the Pointer Sisters, the Mongolian Genghis Khan festival, the Korean hip hop party, the Wiccan wedding ceremony, the eclectic playlists, the Club 2606 parties that met with varying degrees of success.

The new addition to our family, Maxwell, is a 15 pound version of a newborn - he has more facial expression and chirps away like R2D2, but still is not able to break his routine of feedings, sleep with just intermittent play. In 2006, this all changes, and at the end of next year Max will be running around, jousting with Zachary.

Zachary was enrolled in preschool this past fall, and now looks forward to it (even though he took an iceball in the face from some bully named Alejandro). His communication skills have come a long way, and we regularly chat about this and that. He has a mischievious sense of humor.

The holiday celebrations were excellent. Lots of delicious food, libations, and presents. I am really enjoying the Miami Vice - Season One DVD set. On the X Box front, I raked in the World Series of Poker, Spy Hunter and Return to Castle Wolfenstein games. These should keep me busy for about the next five years.

It was a year of good family health for all. We hope that this trend continues in 2006.

Themes and activities for 2006 include:

* 5 Year Wedding Anniversary with Charlotte
* Charlotte's trip back to the Philippines with Max during the summer (I will not be attending)
* The Zareva Wedding in Las Vegas, NV on August 4, 2006, plus the surrounding preparatory and post-party activities.
* CURD (Charity Unity Respect Decadence). It's time to pay props and show respect.
* More music, more i-Pod parties, more Club 2606, more fun!
* Managing two mobile toddlers
* Banking savings towards the downpayment on a house

In good time, I will post some photos of the holiday festivals.

To all of you, I wish you a happy, healthy and successful 2006!

I was able to squeeze in some relaxation over the holiday break. "Up Country", a novel by Nelson DeMille was fantastic. It's about a retired Army investigator/ Vietnam vet who returns to the country in 1997 to find a witness to a murder by a US Captain that happened during the war. It's a must read. I devoured 700 pages in 5 days during the holiday break.

"Memoirs of a Geisha", both the book by Arthur Golden and the movie (still playing!) are highly recommended. Beautiful story and cinematography. The female lead characters were all Chinese (Zang Zhiyi, Gong Li, Michelle Yeoh), but that hardly detracted. Gong Li was slender and stunning. Check it out!

On January 14th, we will be hosting a small iPod / winetasting party in Lawrenceville. It should be a good time. 10-15 participants will be joining.