Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Track Listing - 35 Years of Pleasure and Pain

For a friend's 35th birthday, I recorded a compilation with some music that he likes, plus some songs that I find interesting. The peanut gallery had generally positive perceptions of this concoction.

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson
Almost Forgot Myself - The Doves
Love and Memories - O.A.R.
Blind - Lifehouse
Dare - Gorillaz
Synthesizer - Electric Six
Sure Shot - Beastie Boys
Amazon - MIA
Temperature - Sean Paul
********** - Peaches
Satisfaction - Benny Benassi
Laffy Taffy - D4L
Galang - MIA
Jump the Last Train - Young Parisians feat. Ben Lost
Born Slippy - Underworld
You're Beautiful - James Blunt