Thursday, March 03, 2005

Heating up Some Prospects

Tonight I met with a bride, Jessica L., in New Brunswick to discuss a possible gig on Saturday, June 11th. Meeting seemed to go well, but you never know with these. She's interviewing one, maybe two more DJs. It will be a classy afternoon wedding up in Weekhawken near the Lincoln Tunnel. Her husband is American; while she is Asian-American with a family of Chinese descent. I tried to promote the merits of my service, be friendly, but not overbearing. She'll probably decide by end of March.

A separate groom, Khan, has expressed some interest for a possible April 30th wedding in Freehold. He seems concerned about discovering any hidden extras in price. Perhaps he's had a bad experience of being baited and switched? This lead seems for real though. He has requested some Greek music, so I should learn some more in case the talks get more serious.

Finally, a certain Andy J. has requested a quote for a birthday party for late March in Plainsboro. I think it's for his daughter's 13th birthday party, but can't be sure. Also followed my e-mail with a phonecall (no answer, left on voicemail). These three steaks are on the fire, and hopefully at least one of them will turn into a booking!


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