Saturday, March 25, 2006

It's Spring 2006!

Overall, this winter has been rough. Zach has been bringing home an incessant stream of colds and viruses from preschool and sharing the love. I think I'm on my fourth illness of the year, which is way out of the norm.

This past week I booked two weddings - one for a Friday night in May and the other for a Saturday in November. Interestingly, November is nearly full booked on Saturdays, while August is wide open. April features only two events at this point, but May is very full. One prospect, Jamie, who I'd been speaking with for almost two months finally folded and decided to use a friend of a friend. Nancy, a bride who booked last August, requested a refund of her deposit as a friend of a friend will be doing it on the cheap, or for free. Is everybody a DJ these days?

One of my Mackie 1521 speakers has a vibration problem which flares up on bass-heavy songs. After speaking with Mackie tech support, it seems this condition is going to require repair. It's headed to the shop in Edison. In the meantime, I've ordered some Mackie 450s, a size down but suitable for most mobile gigs, including weddings. They are backordered and it might be a few weeks. Glen from Promo Only is going to throw in a free pair of Senseiser headphones in recognition of the delay (timely, since one side of my headphones is blown).

Mike Z, Gregg W. and I are going to see Pearl Jam on June 1 at Continental Arena! I just got off Tickemaster - couldn't get the lower level seats, but was able to get upper deck on diagonal, row 13. I guess that will work.

Recorded the Mike Z. bachelor party mix CD recently. Am going to insert track break points using Nero (this is a new trick I learned and that should be well-received by the peanut gallery), and remove several tracks.... in one case, there was a nick on the CD which cause a skip. In the other, the EQ sounded bad on one particular song, so I'm panning it.

My next event is a wedding reception on April 8th in Basking Ridge. The bride is from South Africa, with some resemblance to Charlize Theron; the groom is an American in medical supplies sales. They were already married abroad, but are doing it again for the U.S. side of the family.

We have been busy preparing for my dad's upcoming 60th birthday party on April 2nd. Hope he likes his present!

Last Friday night's gig in Carteret went very well. A new song that I discovered was S.O.S. by Rihanna. It's an upbeat dance song over a sample of Soft Cell's tainted love. I think it's going to be a hit.

Lastly, I developed a roll of film from the summer and have some nice photos of Club 2606 4th of July Party. I'm going to get those scanned and hopefully have them posted to this blog soon.